Connect: Candidates that are qualified for the job end up blowing it because their thought process is, “I need to blow this person away with how great I am.” The main aim for any candidate should be to connect with interviewers, and not just impress them. Interview success is more about how the interviewer feels about you, as opposed to how well you can do the job. Coming prepared to discuss the trends in the industry, being sincere with your answers, listening well, and coming off as authentic will lead one to have a strong rapport with the interviewers and will put you on the right path to getting an offer. Aim to connect, not to impress.
During most interviews, interviewers are judging less of what you say, but more on how you say it. First impressions are key. Whether or not you come off as a polished, confident person or as a scatterbrained, in-concise, or verbose person; it all depends on your communication skills. Many people even with the right qualifications don't get the job because they do not clearly convey the linkage between their experience and what the company is looking for from a candidate.
The more you prepare for an interview the less anxious you’ll be. By learning all about the company, you allow yourself to prepare for what they are looking for. You’ll walk into the interview confident and more prepared. Being well-read will make you feel more at ease and will help you in raising your confidence.
Real-life examples:
One of the biggest complaints made by hiring managers is when candidates seem “all talk.” Try to merge real-life examples with what you're saying. This becomes a red flag because companies do not want to put their time, energy, money, and resources into a bad hire. So remember to be specific.
Ask questions:
While candidates are the ones being officially interviewed, they are also assessing their potential future employer. Ask questions centred around if they want the job or not. Most of the time hiring managers already have their minds made up about you by the end of the interview. When it’s time for any last questions, it can be your chance to make a memorable impression. Think of a question that they probably haven’t heard of before, or that challenges them to think differently.
Try remembering all these tips, but most importantly, remember to take a deep breath and to always be yourself. If you bomb an interview and aren’t selected to move forward, don’t beat yourself up. Pick yourself up and learn from your failure- so you can ace your next interview!
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