For the past decade, the engineering landscape has changed dynamically. With technological innovations on a surge, more & more people are inclined towards being a part of the technologically advancing world. This is also reflected in the education sector as courses like Automation & robotics are popular amongst graduating engineers.
Students no longer limit themselves to mechanical & civil engineering but are more inclined towards courses that promise a lucrative career ahead. Automation Engineering is just one such career option opted by many in recent years and for good reasons.
If you are considering graduating in engineering, here is why you should consider Automation Engineering as a viable option for yourself.
Rise of Automation & what it means
Workplace Automation is no longer a dream. All industries today rely on automation to enhance working and reduce the workload on employees. Unlike the common misconception, Automation doesn't always mean robots roaming around working for us. In its simpler forms, monotonous daily tasks can be automated to reduce time & effort. For example, some bots can help email marketers better manage emails.
Owing to the increasing demand, the automation industry is growing at an unprecedented pace. But on the flip side, it has become hard to fulfil the increasing demand of professionals in the field, which brings us to our next point.
Lack of industry professionals
The unfortunate reality of the Automation industry today is that there is a huge gap in the exigency and availability of Automation professionals. Since a lot of people do not have an educational background in automation or do not have updated knowledge on the subjects, companies have to spend time & money to prepare them for the job role. This makes it cumbersome for organizations to manage.
Now, many might believe that automation takes away jobs, which is true to an extent. Though automation makes lower-level monotonous jobs obsolete, the demand for professionals in the field has also risen and it's difficult for many to cope with the knowledge required for the posts. This in turn leads to an increased demand for Automation professionals in the industry.
Automation Engineering can help you!
As we have mentioned before, Automation Engineering, though new, is a burgeoning field. Now, with the increased demand for professionals, it is a good opportunity for aspiring engineers. Automation engineering students learn to design, create, develop as well as manage and systems. They can contribute better to the industry and avoid the cumbersome costs that organizations currently incur.
Automation Engineers are employed in several fields to help enhance working and add their contribution to the technologically advancing world. Automation provides several lucrative opportunities for candidates and these opportunities are only expected to rise in the time to come.
The scope for Automation Engineers
At last, comes the burning question; 'What is the scope for Automation Engineers?'
Well, you would be happy to know that graduate & post-graduate automation engineers are employed in a number of fields including Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Manufacturing, Transportation, Logistics, Aerospace and Defence industries. Automation engineers help organizations design & develop automation processes, research robotics technology, develop AI algorithms, systems and more.
Automation Engineering is one of the best career choices for all students working to create a successful career as an engineer. At K.K. Wagh Institute, we understand the changing Engineering landscape and provide updated courses for our students to choose from. Under the guidance of an impeccable staff, we help our students become successful.
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