Studying with an over-heated laptop isn't at all easy and it can make us snap at it real quick. So, how to fix an overheating laptop?
Your laptop packs impressive processing power and storage in unbelievingly little space. This progress in efficiency comes at a cost and that’s excess heat. The greatest threat to your laptop, except for your coffee spilling over it, is overheating. It may lead to hardware failure and permanent damage.
KKWIEER has got a couple of tips and tricks you can try to get your laptop to stop its overheating effect and prevent it from getting too hot!
Avoid running heavy programs
Running heavy programs definitely puts a load on your laptop's hardware and therefore causes it to over-heat eventually. Always keep a check on how many programs you are running at once, and delete those programs from the task manager that you aren’t using.
Fix Internal Cooling
The first and most important thing you need to do when your laptop is overheating is to clean the fan(s) that provide(s) cooling to the CPU and the graphics card. Over time, they build up layers of dust and dirt inside that slow them down and block airflow. Take a reference from your laptop's manual or consult the manufacturer to find out how you can open the laptop to access and clean these parts.
Give it some rest
Switch off your laptop after you're done studying on it. Don’t put it on stand-by mode always as the running programs might lead to overheating your laptop.
Avoid working on beds and fabrics
Any surface with fabric, whether that is a carpet or a bed, will suffocate the laptop, and make it harder for it to release the heat. So, try to keep your laptop elevated, or on a surface that will help with its elevation.
Invest in a Laptop Cooler or Cooling Pad
Laptop coolers are meant to provide additional cooling to your laptop. Before you purchase a cooler, you need to understand the airflow into and out of your laptop. If your laptop has intake grills at its bottom, invest in a cooler that blows cool air upwards, i.e., into the laptop. You can also consider getting a passive cooler that does not consume power and merely absorbs heat.
Maintaining your laptop from time to time is essential for its efficient and effective operation
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